Saturday, December 19, 2009

fun day-out with my girls!

Finally, I managed to blog about my spa outing with the girls..

To begin with, the idea pasal spa outing ni was brought about by Ms.Rosy masa dia comment status Tek yang tension with work kat FB. It took us quite sometime to agree on the date because ada yang nak kena attend court, rescedule meeting & court dates, and the list goes on! Bla dah agree on the date, Ms. Rosy pulak unable to join us sebab she has fully utilized her annual leave & mc..nak buat weekend memang susah lah for those yang dah ade anak kan :p xpelah, perhaps the next one Ms. Rosy boleh join :)

Finally, we (Tek, Reeva, Radh, Nad, lil sis and her friend Nani & me) agreed to meet up on Wednesday, 25th November 2009 @ 1230pm. On the day of which im supposed to unwind myself, macam2 lah came up. Tension betul..dh apply for leave to have fun and relax with the girls kena masuk office plak. tak ke tension?? If kejap ok la, ni almost 11.30am baru kluar ofis. So I end up speeding sebab nak pick up my lil' sis kat Shah Alam dulu before heading to Damansara to catch our spa appointment at 12.30 pm. Obviously, we were late! nak dekat 1.30pm baru start our session. and because of that the girls spa appointment pun delayed by almost an hour! so sorry girls (blame my boss for that last minute arrangement).. paling kesian kat Reeva la coz tak bleh stay lama and join our gossiping session :) punya la frust makcik tu, hehe..

The spa outing was one memorable outing for me in which I will remember for the rest of my life! firstly - this is the first spa outing with my friends, secondly - it was also my first time makan kat Marche and most importantly, this is the first time I 'burnt' myself in public sebab asyik sangat ambik gambar the girls..aihh, clumsy me!!! wat malu jer..aihhh!

Nak jadikan crita, I was so bz ambik gambar sampai tak prasan ada candle kat blakang..padahal obvious giler la kan kat spa mestila ada candle as deco, pffttt!!! sedar2 je rasa panas sgt at the back followed by bau terbakar! then ape lagi, panik la! luckily Nad was quick, it could have been worst coz api agak besar.. my baju memang g.o.n.e! plus ada kot segenggam rambut terbakar, huhuhuhuhu... but nasib baik my hair layered, so takde la obvious sgt :p thank God i was wearing singlet underneath my blouse that day..kalau tak memang pening nak pikir nak pakai ape. If I pakai size 'S' takpe lah, senang nak mintak tolong one of the girls turun belikan baju kat Curve..tgh2 panic tu teringat my shawl dalam kereta, so I end up covering myself with shawl that evening..apart from the fact that everyone was stunned tak tau nak wat ape, somehow I rasa kelakar giler that time...

after the "incident", we all went straight to Secret Recipe to pick up Tek's birthday cake, thereafter pegi Marche. It was our first time makan kat Marche (except for Reeva). sambil makan, ape lagi..gossip time lah! then tiba2 Reeva ckp comething like this "ok girls I have to go, and btw Tek..happy birthday" :p after that memang Tek tau lah ada suprise for her, hehehe...takpelah Reeva..cant blame u,kitaorg pun lupa nk bgtau it was supposed to be a suprise :)

lama jugak we all lepak kat Marche..had teh tarik after that. I think most of you would agree with me that teh tarik if minum panas2 baru ummphh! but my friend Tek ada her own way to enjoy her cup of teh tarik..kena check tempreture dulu tu..slagi tak sejuk tak minum :) puas we all kutuk dia that day, hehe..but it's ok yang, though we all kutuk u, we all tetap sayang u :)

sembang punya sembang..almost 7p.m baru we all gerak balik. ikutkan hati memang we memang tak nak balik lagi tu :)  pape pun, despite dah terasa sakit melecur time tu, it was a fun day out!!!!!!! tak puas......cant wait for our next spa session - tentatively would be in January, yeayyy!!!!!!!!
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NightButterfly said...

glad that you had fun at the spa.and OMG! u went to Borobudur and took that cool pic of tak kak duya?

mademoiselle duya said...

yup, had so much fun!!! at the spa & at Borobudur of coz :D tringat zaman2 skolah ms blaja history..will blog about my yogya trip soon

Rv Husin said...

Hahaha! Best BEST! Next time boleh buat lagi :D